Online ISSN : 1882-4528
Print ISSN : 0030-1558
第3編 種々動物特に家兎超生体染色血球の各種固定剤による固定効果
真木 照雄
ジャーナル フリー

1958 年 70 巻 12 号 p. 4651-4657


On the basis of the chemical reactions of the dyes with various fixatives in vitro the author observed the blood cells stained supravitally by various dyes and fixed with several fixatives, which has been proved to form the water insoluble precipitates with the dyes. Many known fixatives containing mercury prove to have the ability to fix the dyes used in supravital staining of cells. but the cell structure becomes often indistinct with some insoluble side precipitates which are not easy to be removed without losing some of the fixed dyes and the dye showed the tendency to fade relatively in a short period of time. In the case of the fixatives containing picric acid the results were almost the same and yet the supravitally stained granules changed the original color to rather yellowish ones. Whereas the method established by the auther, the application of the Nessler's method, proved to be the most excellent one. By this method_ most of the supravitally stained granules are fixed on the cells retaining their fine structure. The post-staining of the nucleus can be made by hematoxylin. And yet the dyes can be retained for a fairly long period of 2-3 months, without losing or changing their original colors.

© 岡山医学会
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