Online ISSN : 1884-9091
ISSN-L : 1345-0832
みなとみらい21線MM, 大岡川シールドT1工事 (上り線)
木村 光夫竹津 英二小林 啓一石田 修畑野 真仁
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 9 巻 p. 295-300


“Minato-Mirai 21 Line” is a new subway line, constructed by Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation. It has 4.2 kilo-meters long, from Yokohama-station to (a provisional name) Motomachiterminal. This document shows tunnelling method applied at Oookagawa shield tunnel (564meters), passes under Yokohama-Port, in the middle of “Minato-Mirai 21 Line”.
Tunnel specification of this site is 7100 milli-meters diameter in parallel single line, tunnelling with high density slurry shield. Lining specification is “CONEX” segment as the first site in Japan, introduced techni que from Au stria in upper line, and Tenoned segment as the largest diameter tunnel with this type of lining in Japan, manufactured by Korea in down line.
This document shows tunnel behavior of boltless segment, verifications of degisn method propriety, and confirmation of tunnel lin g safety, about “CONEX” segment, with an alizing site measurement of selected section in this site.

© 社団法人 土木学会
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