Online ISSN : 1884-9091
ISSN-L : 1345-0832
小泉 淳佐合 純造清水 幸範白井 孝典
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 9 巻 p. 55-62


In recent years, a lot of underground rivers and ponds are constructed for the purpose of flood control by the shield tunneling method in urban areas such as Tokyo and Osaka. These tunnels and ponds are subjected to not only the earth pressure and water pressure from the outside of them but also the high water pressure from the inside of them. There are many problems that should be clear for getting the good tunnel. For example, what sort of structures of the tunnel lining is better and what sort of the design method of the tunnel lining is more rational. In this paper, the behavior of the primary lining and the secondary lining and the behavior of the inner water pressure are clarified from the results of simplified model test and their analytical investigations. As a result, the analyical model by which is reasonably able to explain the behavior of the shield tunnel subjected to the inner water pressure is shown. Moreover the rational structure and the design method of the tunnel tinning is proposed.

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