The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology
Online ISSN : 1347-3506
Print ISSN : 0021-5198
ISSN-L : 0021-5198
Depression of Drug-Induced Tremor by a New Isoxazol Derivative in Mice
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 7-14


The effects of a newly synthesized compound, MLV-208, on drug-induced tremor were investigated in mice. The study involved a power spectral analysis of the random current induced by movement of a magnet attached to the mouse on a wire coil. To induce tremor, tremorine and harmaline were subcutaneously injected. The power spectral density function defined the frequency composition of the tremor, and its severity was determined quantitatively in terms of the mean square value of the data in any frequency range of concern. MLV-208 depressed the power spectral density of both the tremorine- and harmaline-induced tremors, but reduced more effectively the former than the latter. The peak frequency of the tremorine-induced tremor did not change in the presence of MLV-208, while MLV-208 sometimes developed a new peak of the power spectral densities of the harmaline-induced tremor in the low frequency side, in addition to the original tremor component.

© The Japanese PharmacologicalSociety
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