Online ISSN : 2185-3835
Print ISSN : 0006-808X
ISSN-L : 0006-808X
木村 陽二郎
ジャーナル フリー

1948 年 61 巻 721-726 号 p. 103-107


In Japanese Islands; Honsyu, Sikoku, Kyusyu, Hokkaido, Kuriles and Saghalien, there are 21 species of Euphrasia. The author divides these species into 4 groups (Grex) by the characters of the calyx which may be the best representatives of many distinguishable characters. The calyx of Euphrasia is partited to 4 lobes either in equal degree (A) or in unequl degree (a), and is either longer (B) or shorter (b) than the half length of the corolla. The first group (Grex E. Maximowiczii) has the character AB and is distributed widely all over the Islands. The second group (Grex E. Yabeanae) has the character Ab and is distributed in the upper region of the high mountains. The third group (Grex E. Makinoi) has the character aB and is distributed in the mountains facing the Pacific Ocean. The fourth group (Grex E. japonicae) has the character ab and is distributed in the mountains facing the Japan Sea. The species belonging these groups are described with number in the text, and its distributions are indicated by the same number in the map inserted in the text.

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