Online ISSN : 1884-0728
Print ISSN : 0385-2385
ISSN-L : 0385-2385
伊藤 克己川口 洋鎮目 和夫日比 逸郎
ジャーナル フリー

1995 年 37 巻 3 号 p. 186-193


We treated 90 pediatric patients with chronic renal failure with recombinant growth hormone (r-hGH) for 12 months to improve their growth retardation due to uremia. They were divided into two groups, non-dialyzed and dialyzed children. The dose of r-hGH was 0.5 or 1.0 IU/kg/week in dialyzed children. After 12 months of the treatment using r-hGH, growth velocity was significantly increased in any group of children. Growth velocity was stimulated to about twice as much as before treatment (that were: in non-dialyzed group, 4.2±2.6cm/year vs. 6.2±2.Ocm/year. P±0. 05, in dialyzed children treated with 0.51U of r-hGH: 2.7±1.8cm/year vs. 5.2±2.6cm/year, P±0. 001, and in dialyzed children treated with 1.OIU of r-hGH: 3.0±1.5cm/year vs. 6.3±2.2cm/year, P±0. 001). No severe side effects was noted and no disturbance of renal function. Our results were consistent with those reported from Europe and USA. We conclude that r-hGH treatment is very effective in improving retarded growth in children with renal disease.

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