The Journal of Poultry Science
Online ISSN : 1349-0486
Print ISSN : 1346-7395
ISSN-L : 1346-7395
(Research Note)
Effect of Dietary Bacillus Subtilis C14 and RX7 Strains on Growth Performance, Blood Parameter, and Intestinal Microbiota in Broiler Chickens Challenged with Salmonella Gallinarum
Jae-Hong ParkYong-Min KimDae-Kyung KangIn-Ho Kim
Author information

2017 Volume 54 Issue 3 Pages 236-241


Sixty broilers (initially 1.6 kg and 35 d-old) were used to determine the effect of Bacillus subtilis C14 and RX7 strains on growth performance, blood parameter, and intestinal microbiota in response to experimental challenge with Salmonell gallinarum. Broilers were distributed to 4 treatment groups include: C1 (control group; no challenge, no B. subtilis), C2 (Salmonella-challenged group; S. gallinarum 108 cfu/bird), T1 (C2+supplemented with of B. subtilis C14 (1.0×109 cfu/g) at 0.1% in diet) and T2 (C2+supplemented with of B. subtilis RX7 (1.0×109 cfu/g) at 0.1% in diet). Results indicated that inclusion of B. subtilis (T1, T2) in the diet increased (P<0.05) the weight gain and feed intake, and improved feed conversion of challenged broilers compared with no B. subtilis supplementation diet (C2). Improvements (P<0.05) in the immunoglobulin A concentration were observed by the addition of B. subtilis compared with C2 treatment, whereas tumor necrosis factor-α was decreased (P<0.05). Latobacillus number in small and large intestines was higher (P<0.05) by B. subtilis additon than C2 treatment but Salmonella numbers were lower (P<0.05). The results suggested that dietary supplementation of B. subtilis C14 and RX7 improved the growth performance, and affected the blood profiles and intestinal microbiota of broilers against S. gallinarum infection. Therefore, B. subtilis C14 and RX7 may have beneficial effects, in relieving the stress of broilers infected with S. gallinarum.

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© 2017 by Japan Poultry Science Association

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