Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1347-4073
Print ISSN : 0031-9015
ISSN-L : 0031-9015
Parametric Pair of Waves as a Nonlinear Oscillator
Vladimir L. SafonovQingfan ShiMichinobu MinoHitoshi Yamazaki
Author information

1997 Volume 66 Issue 7 Pages 1916-1919


We considered the process of parametric excitation of spin waves and magnetoelastic waves in magnetoordered crystals in a microwave resonator. From our analysis it follows that for the k and {- k} wave pair there is a single-mode realization (i.e. the pair can be represented as one oscillator). The theory of parametric resonance of waves constructed in terms of these collective variables provides a new perspective on some old spin-wave experiments and helps explain the recently obtained experimental data.

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© The Physical Society of Japan 1997
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