Early intervention planning for infants with disabilities has conventionally been centered on the infants' disabilities, rather than the family's adjustment. This study investigates the effectiveness of an Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)-based intervention for infants with disabilities, in enhancing infant neurobehavioral organization, maternal self-efficacy, and mother-infant interaction. A time series design was used, with the intervention trial consisting of a two-week observation at baseline and intervention periods. Subjects were 15 infants with disabilities and their mothers. The NBAS, Lack of Confidence in Caregiving (LCC) items of the Mother and Baby Scale, and the Nursing Child Assessment Teaching Scale (NCATS), were used to assess neonatal neurobehaviors, maternal self-efficacy, and the quality of mother-infant interaction respectively, at 3 time points: at intake, pre-intervention, and post-intervention. Intervention sessions were performed 6-8 times, 30 minutes per session, during the intervention period. The NBAS, LCC, and NCAST scores were significantly improved post-intervention. The NBAS-based intervention has beneficial effects on neonatal neurobehavioral organization and the quality of mother-infant interaction skills and maternal self-efficacy, in infants with developmental disabilities. Attunement of mothers to their infants' behaviors early on in life may promote a positive cycle of interaction between parents and infants.