[Purpose] We sought to clarify factors leading to the elimination of a fear of falling.[Subjects] Forty females with femoral bone fracture were the subjects of our study.[Methods] The fall efficacy and motor and psychological functions of the 40 patients following fracture of the proximal femur due to a fall were measured weekly from week 1 to week 4. These subjects were then divided into two groups.[Results] There were differences between the 2 groups of subjects in terms of MFES scores and state anxiety during week 2, 3, and 4. Comparison of the groups of subjects between week 1 and week 4 indicated that both groups of subjects had improved motor function and that subjects with no fear had improved MFES scores.[Conclusion] These findings reveal that improved motor function can be expected even if the individual has the fear, but the fear will not be lost through improvement of motor function alone. Additionally, subjects with no fear tended to have greater fall efficacy. The results suggest the need for steps to improve fall efficacy in order to eliminate the fear.