Journal of Physical Therapy Science
Online ISSN : 2187-5626
Print ISSN : 0915-5287
ISSN-L : 0915-5287
A Review of Signal Transduction in Mechanisms of Smooth Muscle Contraction and Its Relevance for Specialized Physical Therapy
Ju-Hyun KimLim-Kyu LeeWon-Deok LeeJeong-Uk LeeMee-Young KimIl-Hyun KimBo-Ra ChoiSeung-Min YangHye-Joo JeonTae-Hyun LeeTaek-Yong KwakBokyung KimJunghwan Kim
Author information

2013 Volume 25 Issue 1 Pages 129-141

[Purpose] An understanding of smooth muscle contraction is important in the study of specialized physical therapy. In this paper, we summarize the contraction mechanisms of smooth muscle and suggest their applications in physical therapy. [Method] This review focuses on the signaling pathways that control smooth muscle contraction and its mechanisms. We include results reported by our laboratory in a wider literature review. [Results] Our results and the literature show that various mechanisms of smooth muscle contraction exist. [Conclusions] In this review article, we carefully discuss the signal transduction in smooth muscle contraction based on our studies and with reference to physical therapy.
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© 2013 by the Society of Physical Therapy Science
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