Online ISSN : 2187-2635
Print ISSN : 1340-8240
ISSN-L : 1340-8240
鈴木 俊
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 4 巻 1 号 p. 21-32


   The paddy rice production in Heilongjiang Province recorded only 0.8million tons with the area of some 0.21 million ha. in 1980, but increased up to 4.24 million tons with 0.74 million ha. in 1993. There are several reasons for this increment, but the most salient one could be due to “the introduction of paddy nursery technique in upland bed” which was developed in Japan. Further more this technique was also extended to Jilin and Liaoning Province after 6 years of its first introduction, and this changed these provinces from millet and milo production to paddy rice producing areas. Moreover, the Federal Government had started to disseminate this technique to 3 major areas of Northern China since 1990, and has been getting good result. But these brilliant successes of this technology transfer is known among a very few people in Japan.
   This paper attempts to clarify the structure and method of the technology transfer. This study was carried out by visiting Hokkaido to make interview with the person who has been working for this technology transfer, and also to Heilongjiang Province.
   The study examined the following items:(1) contents and characteristics of the technique transferred, (2) the structure and method of primary/international transfer, (3) outline of Heilongjiang Province agriculture with reference to paddy production, (4) the structure and method of secondary/domestic transfer.
   After analyzing various data, the author clarified the structure, method and route of the transfer, and also problems and issues of the technology transfer system in Heilongjiang Province.
   It is considered that the result of this study will be able to contribute to improve the structure and methods of technology transfer in some other areas of China or developing countries.

© 1997 日本村落研究学会
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