Online ISSN : 2436-5556
吉田 可奈子福田 亮子小野 雄太郎工藤 正博松原 仁
研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

2011 年 2011 巻 SAI-012 号 p. 03-


In this work, we propose care recording system of person with dementia for improving care quality and efficiency. We classified caretaker's status into 24 categories, and then we develop the system to be used on portable terminal. Caregiver who works in care facility uses this system to monitor the caretaker's status. This system makes it possible to provide sustainable and correct care service, which matches to caretaker's condition and their needs. Currently, caretaker's information was noted as qualitative data, but our care recording system can gather the quantitative data about caretaker's condition, and behavior with fewer caregivers' burden. It is possible to extract some patterns of change in caretaker's status, so it could reveal relationships between caregiver's service and caretaker's status. Furthermore, it is possible to analyze the difference of care between expert caregiver and novice caregiver. We expect these result makes caregiver easier to understand more about caretaker's feelings and behaviors, so they could enrich the quality of care.

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