Online ISSN : 1884-6025
Print ISSN : 0285-2543
ISSN-L : 0285-2543
温州みかんの流通技術改善に関する研究 (第5報)
中馬 豊岩元 睦夫志賀 徹
ジャーナル フリー

1972 年 34 巻 1 号 p. 64-70


Using a container designed for bulk loading of Citrus Unshu, the sea transportation test from Fukuoka to Tokyo was conducted to obtain the foundamental data for its practical use. In this test, in addition to the above container, 'Palletainer' widely used in the market and lattice container filled with carton boxes were used and the following results were obtained:
1. Atomospheric temperature in the bulk loaded container, which was initially lower than the air temperature in the hold, progressively rised with time after shipping.
Sea air induced into the hold during the voyage had an effect of preventing temperature rise of the fruit.
The highest in-transit air temperature was 16.5°C in the hold, 14.3°C in the bulk container and 16.6°C in the carton box.
2. Transportation of carton box filled with washed and waxed fruits is not desirable from the point of preserving quality due to the increased humidity and high temperature of air in the carton.
Relative humidity in the carton filled with untreated fruits was 75 to 80 percent.
It is desirable to circulate air and exclude moisture from the bulk container during transportation.
3. The magnitude and frequency of in-transit vibration were remarkably less than that in the case of the freight car and truck.
4. After transportation, the specific gravity and total sugar of juice were not found to be changed. The rate of flesh to total weight of the fruit treated with washing and waxing inclined to increase more than that of nontreated, and the decreasing of citric acid of nontreated fruit was. found to be less than that of treated.
5. The amount of the fruits decayed and ruptured during transportation was less than one percent in every container.
6. Moisture content of carton box filled with. treated fruits with waxing and washing reached 19.2 percent during the sea-transportation, while that of non-treated fruits was 18.7 percent.
Initial moisture content of the carton was 10 percent.

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