Online ISSN : 1883-695X
ISSN-L : 1883-695X
李 永春
ジャーナル フリー

1930 年 24 巻 8 号 p. 1571-1594


Diabetic patients often fall into diabetic coma as the end result of a hyperglycemia followed by acidosis. Moreover at the time of death we find hyperglycemic conditions, while on the other hand the injection of large doses, of Insnlin into animals at least causes shock, spastic conditions and hypoglycemia. Hyper and hypoglycemia are thus of significance both experimentally and clinically. We have reason to believe that alterations of blood sugar occur during experimental anaphylaxis and it seems easy to find out if this be so. Reports in the literature indicate that certain processes or drugs act as a protection against hyperglycemia. So, we deem it worth while to further eleucidate the factors concerned in these two theories.
Prof. Yun and many other investigators working along the same lines have shown that the injection of adrenalin before the onset of anaphylactic shock, definitely prevents the occurence of shock and also some other symptoms and it there-fore seems of great interest to investigate the changes of blood sugar variation during such phenomena.
On the reviewing the literature, we found two such experiments but these did not agree as to results and the object. of these experiments being somewhat different, I repeated the experiments and discoverd very interesting facts that I wish to report here.

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