Online ISSN : 1883-695X
ISSN-L : 1883-695X
李 聖恩
ジャーナル フリー

1930 年 24 巻 8 号 p. 1551-1570


Hormone research has been a fertile field in recent years both as regards the amount of work done and the results obtained among the endocrine organs.
The adrenal gland and especially its antidotic effects in counteracting poisons has been so widely investigated that we refrain from summarizing or even enumerating them.
Langlois and Charrin have reported an increase in the lethal dose of nicotin and cobra venom when injected along with adrenal extract but some writers disagree. So, I proceeded to further investigate this action not only the adrenal but of other glands. In so doing, I wished to detect even slight effects or influences of such hormones and poisons.
Healthy mice weighing 10 to 15 grams were selected and divided into three groups, and strychnine sulphate as a poison was given to A group 15 minutes after the injection of each hormone preparation, and to B group the hormone solution and strychnine were mixed before injection the same dose of strychnine being given to A group. To a third group C we gave only strychnine as a control.
By noticing carefully the onset of convulsions and the time for death to oocur I was able to compare the effects of the three proceedures as follows.
Thyreoglandol, Thymoglandol and Antuitrin A group show increase of sensitivity for strychnine.
2. Parathyroidin. Antuitrin B group, Ovoglandol and Testiglandol tends to depress strychnine poisoning.
3. Pituitary extract, Insulin, Interenin and Spleen emulsion show a notable anticotic action.
4. The marked antidotic action of adrenalin for strychnine intoxication is due to its local action : e. g. contraction of blood vessel, and is Not due to direct neutralization of toxins.

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