Online ISSN : 2189-7794
Print ISSN : 0918-354X
ISSN-L : 0918-354X
「総合学科」高校生の科目選択に関する実証的研究 : 生徒の「時間的展望」の視点から
岡部 善平
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 6 巻 p. 79-89


The aim of this paper is to clarify the reality of "Integrated Course" senior high-school students' subjects choice through an analysis of their "Time Perspectives". "Time Perspectives" are defined as a view of the psychological past and the psychological future of individuals in specific situation. In this paper, I suggest that students construct time perspectives through interaction between students, teachers and parents in the process of subjects choice, which is controlled by the form of an elective system of curriculum in "Integrated Course". Based on the concept of "Time Perspectives", I researched students' subjects choice in "Integrated Course" at Sakado Senior High School attached to Tsukuba University. Working hypotheses of this research are as follows; 1) Students would construct time perspectives in the process of subjects choice. 2) Owing to changes of situations with promotion, students' time perspectives of one grade would be different from those of another grade. 3) "Settings", set as guidelines of subjects choice in "Integrated Course", would have an influence in the process of constructing of students' time perspectives. I found the following; 1) Students constructed four types of time perspectives in process of subjects choice, those are "long-range perspectives of occupation-minded type", "long-range perspectives of college- minded type", "long-range perspectives of self-realization-minded type", and "immediate perspectives". 2) First-year students attached the most importance to "long-range perspectives of occupation-minded type" in the process of subjects choice, while second-year students attached the most importance to "immediate perspectives". 3) First-year students found it easy to construct "long-range perspectives" on account of utilizing "Setting" as a framework to predict their future. But,second-year students lost the framework because they attached little importance to "Setting". In consequence, second-year students found it difficult to construct "long-range perspectives", and attached importance to "immediate perspectives".

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