Online ISSN : 2434-9127
Print ISSN : 0285-0990
ウェルビーイングと社会的問題解決能力における相互影響性: 大学生の縦断データを用いた検討
鷲見 克典
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2020 年 66 巻 1 号 p. 41-50


 Well-being, which refers broadly to optimal psychological functioning and experience, has been generally conceptualized and operationalized from two perspectives: hedonism and eudaimonism. Social problem solving refers to the self-directed cognitive-behavioral process by which a person attempts to identify or discover effective and adaptive solutions for specific problems encountered in everyday life. Social problem-solving ability consists of two major components: problem orientation and problem-solving skills. Although it has been theoretically predicted that well-being and social problem-solving ability reciprocally influence each other, this reciprocal influence remains insufficiently examined. This study mainly examines the reciprocal influence through the application of a cross-lagged effects model using longitudinal data from college students. A total of 228 participants who were all college students (80 women, 148 men) completed questionnaires twice, four weeks apart. The questionnaires contained the Japanese versions of the following four scales:(1)the Satisfaction With Life Scale;(2)Scale of Positive and Negative Experience, which comprises the positive feelings scale and negative feelings scale;(3)the Flourishing Scale; and(4)the social problem-solving scale, which comprises the problem-solving selfefficacy scale and problem-solving skills scale. The cross-lagged effects models representing the hypothesized reciprocal influence were tested using structural equation modeling. The results support the hypothesis that life satisfaction or psychological flourishing and these two components of social problemsolving ability would reciprocally influence each other. In addition, there was reciprocal influence between the experience of positive feelings and problem-solving skills. Moreover, the experience of negative feelings influenced problem-solving skills, and problem-solving self-efficacy influenced the experience of negative feelings. There was no influence relationship between the experience of negative feelings and problem-solving self-efficacy. Implications of the findings, limitations of this study, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

2020 日本教育医学会
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