Online ISSN : 1883-2261
Print ISSN : 0389-1763
ISSN-L : 0389-1763
長沢 教夫西崎 邦夫小中 俊雄
ジャーナル フリー

1994 年 29 巻 2 号 p. 90-96


In order to improve the agricultual production efficiency, it is necessary to design the oprimum scheduling of farm work operation under the condition of farm scale, machine power, working period, and working capacity etc.
In recent years, some decision support systems for agricultural optimization planning have been developed. However, the present system cannot deal with uncertain information such as “approximately 10ha”, “about 8 hours” and other fuzzy data.
In this study, to calculate coverage when puddling and rice transplanting working periods are partially overlapped, we have formulated it as fuzzy linear programming problems.
Membership function of fuzzy constraints and fuzzy goal was determined from answers on the questionarie on puddling and rice transplanting. For example, the target coverage is assumed to be approximately more than 2.4ha because the owned rice paddies have 2.4ha. And the limitation of the working hours is assumed to be approximately less than 44 hours in the working period, and so on. By using membership functions which were obtained in the way described above, each working hours and coverage for multi farm operations in the typical 4 cases were to be found as a fuzzy solution and discussed.

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