Online ISSN : 2185-0976
Print ISSN : 0037-4342
ISSN-L : 0037-4342
第1報妊娠, 分娩及び産褥各期に於ける血液中コリンエステラーゼの消長
花村 幹
ジャーナル フリー

1959 年 19 巻 1 号 p. 11-18


Blood cholinestarase (ChE) activity in pregnancy, delivery and puerperium, and in the patient of toxemia of pregnancy, using Benzoylcholine (BzCH) for serum-ChE and Acethyl-β-methylcholine (MecH) for erythrocytes-ChE as substrate, were studied manometrically. Following results were obtained :
1. Serum-ChE activity were decrease gradually with progress of pregnancy, while erythrocytes-ChE activity were decrease in early stage and maintained in its lower level all throng the pregnancy. The lowest activities of both of them were shown at 9th month of pregnancy.
2. Activities of both serum-ChE and erythrocytes-ChE were increased temporary at labor period and then decreased maximumlly at labor day. Since then they were increased gradually and reached to the control level at the 8th day in serum-ChE and the 6th day in erythrocytes-ChE following labor.
3. Activities of both serum-ChE and erythrocytes-ChE in case of toxemia of pregnancy were shown in lower level than the normal pregnant cases.
4. The cause of changes of activity in serum and erythrocytes-ChE in pregnancy, delivery, puerperium and in case of toxemia of pregnancy were not essential but just related on the blood concentration.

© 昭和医学会
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