Online ISSN : 2185-0976
Print ISSN : 0037-4342
ISSN-L : 0037-4342
薄井 巖
ジャーナル フリー

1960 年 20 巻 6 号 p. 688-705


A unilateral phlenicotomy executed on rabbits causes struma microfollicularis diffusa. This hystological figure corresponds to that of Alpine goiter, a kind of endemic goiter, which can be observed amnng children living in the Alps or in the Himalayan mountain regions.
In the case goiter developed in this experiment, glandepithel was found to accelerate functionally, while the constant consumption of colloid substance, which gave prolif erous phase in the process, did not allow the substance to be accumulated in follicles, and after nine month extensive study it was generally demonstrated that there remained no observable amount of the substance in follicles. Twelve months later, however, the beginning of re-accumulation process of colloid substance was observed, follicles begining to grow larger, and fibers of connective tissue to increase between each gland and in interstice. Thus, struma diffusa can be considered to suggest that it develops into struma colloidaris diffusa.
In conclusion it can therefore be held that dyspnea and hypoxia caused by a unilateral phlenicotomy played an important part in developing goiter in the subject experimentation.

© 昭和医学会
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