Online ISSN : 2424-2829
セッションID: 1D25
1D25 焦点接着斑の微細構造に関する研究
大石 泰己松井 翼今村 道博出口 真次
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


Focal adhesions (FAs) are mechano-sensitive elements that mediate cellular response to applied forces and scaffold material properties. The microstructure of FAs has been investigated with several approaches that include super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, cryo-electron tomography, and atomic force microscopy (AFM), but the contribution of α-actinin to forming the architecture remains unclear. Here we combine AFM with fluorescence microscopy to investigate the 3D geometry of FAs together with observation of fluorescent α-actinin expressed within cells. A7r5 cells, an embryonic aortic smooth muscle cell line, are cultured on a glass-bottom culture dish and de-roofed with a hypotonic treatment to allow their FAs to be accessed by an AFM probe. Our observations show that α-actinin-1, one of the isoforms expressed at FAs within the cells, contributes to layering of actin filaments toward the direction of the height rather than the cross-linking of individual actin filaments within planes.

© 2016 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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