Online ISSN : 2424-2829
セッションID: 1H16
1H16 衝撃波による再生用マイクロカプセル開発のためのカプセル破壊と内部気泡挙動解析
小笠原 僚玉川 雅章江副 佑樹山畳 悠司
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


This paper describes development of regenerative medical system using microcapsules including gas by shock waves. The newly proposed system has two features. One is culture mode by pressure wave, the other is rupture mode by interactions between shock waves and bubbles in microcapsules. Especially, the disintegration mechanism of polymer capsules including gas bubbles by shock wave was investigated and analysis of deformation process of a bubble inside was done in this paper. Deformation process of a capsule and a bubble were observed by microscopy. It was found that there are two modes such as oscillation, disintegration (damage) after working pressure wave (414kHz frequency) on the microcapsules. It was also found that these modes depend on gas ratio in the liquid capsule, membrane thickness, pressure amplitude and frequency. And deformation process of a bubble in the capsule was mathematically analyzed to compare the experimental result, such as effects of initial internal pressure of a bubble and gas ratio on the deformation process.

© 2016 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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