Dynamics & Design Conference
Online ISSN : 2424-2993
セッションID: 612
612 スポーツとロボットにおける巧みな動きの生成原理への構成論的アプローチ
川副 嘉彦高野 悠人満岡 将樹中川 憤理
会議録・要旨集 フリー


There is no robot around us in our society at the current stage and also there will be no robot in the future if we define a robot as a machine working in the arena of offices, homes, and disaster sites, etc. outside the factories and if we continue the present conventional research and development style in robot projects. Also in sports, moving body parts around a fixed joint is very popular, but it seems to limit one's power, whereas more power can be generated and the strain on the body is lessen by using the entire body without twisting motion and not resorting to just the fixed joint. This paper proposed the approach for realization of robust physical movements based on distributed control of physical body in humanoid biped robots and in sports, which uses only small active power making full use of equilibrium instability as a source of driving force with simple state transition. Making postures simultaneously by using the entire body produces natural movements. It can be applied to movement of physically handicapped person, rehabilitation, sports, and so on.

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