Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 2115
2115 チェーン駆動における脈動抑制機構の開発(OS5-1 メカトロ設計,OS5 メカトロ設計)
毛利 圭佑橋丘 豊宮崎 嘉寿也
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Escalators run by chain drive, and the chain, which is wound up as a polygon inscribed in the sprocket, causes speed pulsation due to its geometric motion on the sprocket. The fewer the number of teeth on the sprocket is, the larger the speed pulsation is. It is obvious that the number of teeth decreases, in the case of smaller diameter of the sprocket for space reduction or the case of larger length of the chain link to reduce the link number for cost reduction. Therefore, the above cases induce large pulsation for the chain speed, which affects the ride comfort significantly. In this paper, a new drive mechanism is proposed to suppress the speed pulsation. The proposed method applies an additional fixed rail, which can achieve optimal trajectory against the chain roller to reduce vibration. The mechanical design of the new system is investigated by kinematics analysis and experiment results with prototype shows its validity.

© 2009 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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