Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 2211
2211 フィーチャの追加・削除が可能なメッシュ変形技術の開発(OS4-1 デジタルモックアップ,OS4 デジタルエンジニアリング)
小野寺 誠廣 喜充金剛 力
会議録・要旨集 フリー


We developed a mesh morphing technique that can be used to change the shape of existing analytical mesh models, and we generated a mesh model for a new shape by morphing the mesh model for the previous one. Our technique can be used for analysis during the early stages of design because it reduces the time required to generate analytical mesh models. Compared with conventional techniques, our technique adds and deletes the feature in the original mesh by using a Boolean technique and a mesh improvement technique. Our technique can process the addition and deletion of a feature in a 100,000-node mesh model in about 1 minute. Moreover, this technique can generate high-quality meshes that ensure the element stretch is more than 0.1. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our technique by applying it to models of cellular phone housing.

© 2009 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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