Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 2603
2603 すり合わせ知見に基づくビームサスFOAのユーザビリティ向上(DSC D&Sコンテスト)
知久 一朗杉浦 豪軌宇野 貴昭廣谷 敏次
会議録・要旨集 フリー


FOA/TB (First Order Analysis for Torsion Beam Suspension) has been developed for suspension designers. In order to reflect the needs of suspension designers, FOA model tends to become more detailed and complex. As a result, design parameters increased and became a useful tool for suspension designers. On the other hand, since FOA/TB has a capability of detailed modeling of torsion beam itself, it is also used by torsion beam designers. However, in the design phase, torsion beam designers cannot obtain all the parameters included in the detailed FOA model and had to provisionally set the unknown parameters. In this paper, in order to overcome this problem, we introduce a method for abstraction and masking of design parameters based on experienced torsion beam designers' knowledge. Further, we will show the improvement of usability using the new concept FOA/TB.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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