Online ISSN : 2424-3078
セッションID: 1114
1114 設計事例評価とアナロジーに基づく設計要求展開支援手法 : 第4報:使用環境に起因する設計要求への対応(OS1-1 製品設計開発のためのモデリング・方法論・マネジメントI)
塚本 哲也妻屋 彰田浦 俊春
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Product is produced as a design satisfying various requests. However, it does not mean designers implement only the required functions for the product to demonstrate these functions. It is important for designers to take measures regarding the requirements to usage environment and usage that may have an undue influence on products, because some environments and usage cause troubles with products. In this study, we construct a new method to extract the design requirement from usage environment and usage as new starting points of the design. Therefore, in this study we have considered the relationship between the usage environment, usage and products by collecting variety of case studies. As a result, we revealed the relationship between products, usage environment, and usage that may be expressed as integration of the items: "Usage Environment, Usage", "Environmental Stress Factor", "Events caused by ESF", "Requirements", "Functions" and "Products".

© 2012 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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