Online ISSN : 2424-2969
セッションID: 402
402 太陽エネルギーを利用する間歇充電式電気バスシステムに関する基礎研究 : シミュレータの開発と搭載蓄電装置の容量に関する検討(新エネルギー(1))
川島 豪
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In order to prevent the global warming, t he emission of greenhouse gases must be reduced. In the public transportation, an electric bus is suitable for realizing this. H owever, electric vehicles have been limited to political uses in public corporations due to the constraint of the battery weight. To address this issue, the electric bus system charged quickly at every bus stop using electric power generated from renewable energy sources has been proposed. One of the characteristics is light weight of the storage device. A simulator calculating the consumption energy between bus stops is required for utilizing this advantage. In this study, the simulator for full size bus is developed by extrapolating the data of the EV minivan, and the capacity of the storage device mounted on the bus is designed on t rial.

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