Online ISSN : 2424-2896
セッションID: 1302
1302 塞栓後脳動脈瘤の再開通発生に関するCFD解析による研究
藤村 宗一郎高尾 洋之渡邊 充祥守 裕也村山 雄一山本 誠
会議録・要旨集 フリー


To treat cerebral aneurysms, coil embolization has been widely used as a minimal invasive surgical procedure. However, aneurysm recanalization after coil embolization remains as a major problem in this method and risk assessment protocol for such phenomenon has not been established yet. To reveal the occurrence mechanism of recanalization, 23 aneurysms, including 10 recanalized cases and 13 stable cases, are identified with three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography and generated to three-dimensional models. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to characterize hemodynamics of aneurysms with coil. The original parameter called FpV has significant difference between recanalized cases and stable cases as a result of statistical test to the numerical results. ROC analysis shows that the cut off value of the FpV is 0.014 (AUC=0.82). The aneurysm recanalization may be able to be prevented more effectively by establishing packing density from the cut off value.

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