Online ISSN : 2424-2691
ISSN-L : 2424-2691
セッションID: 20615
20615 細長い流体管路内における物体の力学的挙動(非線形)
横山 亮太荒武 紘平米山 宰吉沢 正紹
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This research deals with nonlinear interactions between the transient motion of a rigid body and unsteady fluid flow in a small diameter tube under the action of constant force. This problem becomes very important when the small diameter and complex tube is designed in many systems of micro machine. The analytical model consists of incompressible viscous fluid flow in a small diameter tube at low Reynolds number, and a sphere is released at the center of the tube under the condition that the velocity of the sphere is zero. So as to understand non-linear fluid-solid interaction, the appearance of flow field and the motion of a sphere are observed. The marker-and-cell (MAC) method is also used to calculate numerically the equations governing the interaction between the motion of the sphere and the unsteady fluid flow.

© 2006 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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