Online ISSN : 2424-2691
ISSN-L : 2424-2691
セッションID: 118101
118101 採血シミュレーションのためのハプティックデバイスの試作(一般02 機械力学・制御工学1)
佐藤 政哉多羅尾 進齊藤 浩一
会議録・要旨集 フリー


A blood sampling is frequently performed for clinical test, and the skill of needle puncture is achieved by two ways: a simulation practice by using a human body model and experience of clinical trials. However the simulation practice is not considered difference of the kinesthetic sense in venipuncture between the subjects. In addition, in the clinical trials, the trainee cannot practice positively and the poor skill gives the subjects pain. In this study, a needle puncture simulator reproducing the kinesthetic senses of venipuncture using haptic technology is being prototyped. A haptic device of human interface was developed and the force sensor was calibrated. As the results, a motion of venipuncture could be reproduced and it was suggested that a driving torque enhancement on a link mechanism and noise suppression of the force sensor were required.

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