Online ISSN : 2424-2691
ISSN-L : 2424-2691
セッションID: 15F10

*何 鎮陽垣内 祐哉亀井 結紀永田 貴之古目谷 暢福田 紘大高橋 俊木村 啓志
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


Urolithiasis is a disease in which calcium oxalate crystallizes in the urinary tract, and has a high recurrence rate. It is necessary to consider the burden on the body by surgical treatment, therefore, treatment methods that effectively promote spontaneous stone passage are required. In this study, to develop a working accelerated renal pelvis and calyx simulator, we visualized the orbit of a renal callus model by using a physiological 3D renal pelvis and calyx model and an acceleration motion experiment system. According to analysis from experiments, it was confirmed that the simulator is able to reproduce spontaneous stone passage similar to our experiment results. By establishing a spontaneous stone passage prediction simulator, it will be possible to devise a method to effectively promote spontaneous stone passage in patients. By reducing the morbidity of urinary lithiasis that requires surgery, it is expected to reduce the burden on patients and medical sites.

© 2022 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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