Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: S132023
S132023 ジルコニア複合砥粒のガラス研磨への適用([S13202]先端加工技術(2))
一廼穂 直聡村田 順二谷 泰弘張 宇
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Composite abrasives have been developed to improve dispersibility, cleanability and polishing performance of glass polishing. These composite abrasives are fabricated by adhering cerium oxide (CeO_2) abrasives to the surfaces of polymer mother particles. In this study, zirconium oxide (ZrO_2) abrasives are employed as child particles of composite abrasives. Polymer/ZrO_2 composite abrasives are developed for alternate abrasives of cerium oxide. Three different kinds of polymer particles were used as mother particles. The polishing removal rates of all polymer/ZrO_2 composite abrasives were higher than those of ZrO_2 conventional abrasives, and dimpled particles provided the lowest surface roughness. In addition, we research the dependence of polishing conditions on the removal rate of glass polishing with polymer/ZrO_2 composite abrasives. The removal rates of glass reached peak when rotation speeds were 60rpm. Furthermore, the removal rates bore a proportionate relationship to concentration of abrasives. Those effects of polishing condition for polishing with polymer/ZrO_2 composite abrasives were different effect for polymer/CeO_2 composite abrasives.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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