Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: G150021
G150021 動的触察における振動情報に基づく触感の評価
浅賀 恵美竹村 研治郎前野 隆司牧野 奏才
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This paper presents a novel tactile sense measurement method. Tactile sense has not been measured quantitatively which is an important manufacture evaluation factor though. The authors constructed the tactile sense measurement system using vibration information during the active touch. First knowing what factors are related to touch feeling, sensory evaluation about the several samples' tactile sense is carried out. From factor analysis of the sensory evaluation result, three factors are obtained that related to softness, roughness, stickiness. Next, the measurement system imitating human active touch is constructed. The samples which will be evaluated is fixed on a sample table and rotated with constant speed. Then a piezoelectric element touches the object surface with constant normal force. The piezoelectric element measures the vibration information during active touch. Additionally, evaluation values related to tactile factors are defined using the vibration information obtained in experiments. Comparing the evaluation values with the sensory evaluation results, the paper shows effectiveness of this method.

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