Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: S044024
S044024 コールドスプレー法で作製した銅皮膜内部の粒子間界面性状評価
渡邊 雄亮市川 裕士野中 勇三浦 英生
会議録・要旨集 フリー


A cold-spray (CS) method is a new technology which collides fine particles with a solid surface and make a deposit on it. The CS method can produce a thick deposit with little heat affect. Although the strength of this thick deposit is high comparing with bulk material, it often shows brittle fracture. The brittle fracture was found to occur at the interface between the deposited particles. The authors, therefore, observed the difference in the micro texture around the grain boundaries in each particle and that around the interface between the deposited particles in the cold-sprayed copper deposit by an EBSD (Electron backscatter diffraction) method. It was found that the average grain size in the deposited particles was much smaller than that in the particles before deposition. This fine grain size is the reason for the high strength of the deposit. However, there is no difference in the misorientation angle distribution between them. Thus, the microstructure around the interface between the deposited particles should be analyzed more in detail.

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