Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: S192023
S192023 CAMUI型ハイブリッドロケットシステムの小型化手法とその飛行実証
石山 達也稲場 康彦井上 遼太佐々木 俊也寺川 健桧物 恒太郎李 尚駿金井 竜一朗脇田 督司戸谷 剛永田 晴紀
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Although many groups are developing Cansat, a can-sized mock satellite, they have few opportunities to test due to difficulties for students to launch Cansats domestically. To provide the chance to launch Cansats, the authors downsized CAMUI type hybrid rocket and created easy-to-use launch system. The new launcher, miniCAMUI, uses gas oxygen (GOX) as oxidizer and high density polyethylene as fuel. Using GOX instead of liquid oxygen contributes to downsizing and weight saving, reduction of turnaround time for launch due to the simplified procedure to fill the oxidizer. A GOX tank connects to a motor through a valve. An air-driven actuator operates the valve miniCAMUI was launched 6 times in June and July 2012. Three of them were serial successful launches with two rockets in a day, with a turnaround time about 45 minutes. Two of the three launches were with the same rocket in the day. With the wind velocity of 1 to 2 m/s, the apogee altitude was about 74 m, being very close to the predetermined altitude of 80 m. This result shows that miniCAMUI was successfully developed as a small launch system with high operability. miniCAMUI is available for launches to various altitudes below 250 m.

© 2012 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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