Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: W191001
W191001 宇宙からの電波天文学で必要な宇宙構造 : 宇宙科学を支える構造材料技術(【W19100】明日の宇宙科学を支えるスマートアクチュエータ,宇宙工学部門企画,ワークショップ)
村田 泰宏
会議録・要旨集 フリー


We conducted radio astronomy missions from space. We often use parabola antenna for radio telescopes. Most of radio telescopes are built on ground, but we need space observation for precise measurements or for getting longer baselines than the Earth of interferometry. Gain of the antenna is one of important parameter to achieve enough sensitivity, and to get enough gain, we need to care the surface accuracy of the antenna. Other parameters such as the signal loss by antenna, sidelobe level, the characteristics of polarization, and pointing accuracy are important. In the space environment, we can get better condition for the background emission, but we have bad condition of thermal and radiation environment. Long term variation of parameters of materials and the structure may be a problem. The measurement of surface accuracy and correction of the surface by actuators are possible solution to solve the problem.

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