Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: J2230102
J2230102 磁気回路に磁性セラミックを用いたMEMS電磁デバイスの開発([J223-01]マイクロナノメカトロニクス(1))
高藤 美泉遠藤 弘彬前角 和明横関 裕司齊藤 健内木場 文男
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This paper proposes to use a magnetic ceramic for a magnetic circuit of MEMS electromagnetic devices. The magnetic device has problem that the magnetic circuit is difficult to miniaturize, generally. Therefore, many researchers have used the spiral pattern coil without a magnetic material for the miniature devices using the MEMS technology. However, the spiral pattern coil requires a large area and long coil length. Therefore, it is difficult to miniaturize, and it shows high internal resistance. In this study, the multilayer ceramic technology and the magnetic ceramic that are used for the miniature electric components are applied for the miniature electromagnetic devices. This technology can realize the miniature helical structure coil, and it can introduce the magnetic material for the magnetic core to catch a divergence magnetic flux. Therefore, the multilayer ceramic magnetic circuit shows the low internal resistance and high efficiency. In this paper, the miniature electromagnetic devices that combined the MEMS technology and the multilayer ceramic technology were suggested. Specifically, a MEMS electromagnetic motor and an electromagnetic induction type MEMS air turbine generator were developed.

© 2014 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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