Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: J1010305
J1010305 ゴルフスイングのシミュレーションに関する研究 : スイングスピードがゴルフクラブのしなりに及ぼす影響
松本 紀生小林 泰基細川 健治
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Golf is the sports that have been enjoyed by the people of a wide age group. The many golfers aim to get the high score and hope to getting the longer distance and to raising the ball speed with the golf club (Driver). And the improvement of the golf club head has been accomplished. In 2008, the upper limit of the coefficient of restitution of the golf club head was regulated. Therefore, the study of the golf club shaft comes to attract more attention. The authors already proposed the swing simulation referring the swing image of the golf swing robot. In the proposed swing simulation, the finite element model of golf club which consists of the golf club head and the laminated composite shaft is used. In this study, using the proposed swing simulation, the effect of the swing speed to the behavior of the swinging golf club shaft is clarified.

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