Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: J1020101
J1020101 オリンピックでのアルペンスキー競技の勝利を目指す工学的取り組み
鈴木 聡一郎星野 洋平CAO YING
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Alpine ski racing is a competition in which the skier who skis down the course in the fastest time is the winner. Suitability of a ski boot design for the leg frame of a ski athlete is important to achieve a fast time and a win in a race. Performance of the ski boots acts as an interface between the physical performance of the skier and the performance of the skis. Speed in alpine ski competitions is becoming faster every year due to improvements in skis, boots and wax. Therefore, research and development of ski equipment based on engineering concepts is needed to further enhance performance and guarantee of safety of ski athletes. On one hand, ski athletes cannot win a victory in the races without skillful ski turn technique even if they use suitable ski boots. This report introduces the results of studying on the newly designed ski boots and skill analysis of the turn technique as an approach to a win in alpine ski races at the Olympics based on engineering for Japanese ski athletes.

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