Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: J1630202
J1630202 慣性センサによる10m最大速度歩行時間の推定
佐川 貢一坂上 滉哉佐藤 駿祐本井 幸介高橋 一平澤田 かほり中路 重之
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Estimation method of time required for 10 meter fastest walking is introduced. Because time of 10 meter fastest walking may suggest the possibility of early detection of dementia, walking time measurement is performed in current medical checkup as well as physical examination recently. Walking time of examinee is usually measured by an examiner following the walking examinee using a stop watch. In this study, two inertial sensors mounted on both tiptoe are used to measure stride length every step by double integration of tiptoe acceleration and to estimate the walking time taken for 10 meter walk. To derive walking trajectory from acceleration, determination of integral duration of each step is essential. In previous method, using resultant angular velocity of tiptoe, small and stable value due to stance phase and a peak due to toe-off was used to find gait motion and to determine the integral duration. However very fast walking performed by young examinee causes unstable angular velocity, and detection of gait motion was difficult . In this study, therefore, angular velocity of plantar/dorsal flexion is used to find swing phase, then moment of toe-off is found and integral duration is determined. 876 subjects participated in the 10 meter walking time measurement. The experimental resuls show that 334 subjects successfully provided 10 meter walking time estimated applying previous method but small correlation coefficient of r=66. Meanwhile 868 subjects provided 10 meter walking time and high correlation coefficient of r=0.95 app;ying proposed method.

© 2015 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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