Online ISSN : 2433-1325
セッションID: 3643
3643 磁束の周期的時間変化による導体円板の平面軸対称電磁熱弾性動的応答(S24-1 熱衝撃・熱弾性,S24 数理・数値解析による先端材料評価)
金田 晃幸谷川 義信河村 隆介樋口 理宏藤枝 英樹
会議録・要旨集 フリー

In the present paper, we have dealt with a theoretical treatment of magnetothermoelastic problem in a conducting circular plate subjected to sinusoidal time variation of uniform magnetic flux in the thickness direction. We have derived temperature change in the plate due to eddy current loss and Lorentz force induced by interaction between eddy current and magnetic flux. We have ever formulated quasi-static solutions of displacement and stress subject to temperature change and Lorentz force under the plane axisymmetric condition. Since the frequency in Lorentz force is higher than that in temperature change, it is expected that the circular plate exhibits dynamic behavior. Therefore, considering inertia term in basic equation we formulate dynamic solutions of displacement and stress in this article. Carrying out numerical calculation, we discuss the effect of inertia term on magnetothermoelastic behavior in the plate.
© 2006 一般社団法人日本機械学会
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