Online ISSN : 2433-1325
セッションID: 5217
5217 浸漬型ティルティングパッドジャーナル軸受すきま内流れの可視化(S65-5 潤滑膜計測技術,S65 トライボロジーの基礎と応用)
野間 正泰松村 太郎森 淳暢
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In this study, The Taylor vortices of the film flow in the bearing clearance and so-called cavity flow between pads in a submerged tilting pad journal bearing were visualized by means of a tracer method. The effects of pad arc extent and pad inclination on fluid flows, especially on the structures of Taylor vortices and cavity flow were investigated. The critical Taylor number of the film flow increased with an increase in pad inclination slightly. The pitch of array of the Taylor vortex rings at the critical Taylor number was, however, scarcely influenced by pad inclination. The pitch was likely fixed by the mean clearance over the pad. The Taylor vortices out of the preceding pad were almost carried over the cavity region into succeeding pad, and hardly mixed with the cavity flow. This phenomenon is important in relation to the oil exchange between the film and cavity flows.

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