Online ISSN : 2433-1325
セッションID: 1048
1048 ハイパーホスピタル構想に基づいたウェアラブルシステムの開発(J06-3 ライフサポート(3),J06 ライフサポート)
岸本 真迪吉田 勤彦中村 広美大久保 眞彦鈴木 祐太早坂 智明今井 陽介坪田 健一石川 拓司山口 隆美
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


To solve an aging problem in the society, it is important that the aged people are encouraged to be independent and spend healthy life. We have proposed the concept of the Hyper Hospital, which is the information support system for patients. In the Hyper Hospital, some units analyze their vital data, and patient's family who lives in the distance, the neighborhood and their doctor share the analyzed data through computer network to know their health condition. In this paper, we present a wearable platform for monitoring health condition. This platform sends the analyzed biomedical signal of a patient to a database server in his/her house. We developed a sensor module to acquire EMG that informs weakening of muscular strength by an underexercise or disease such as a hemiplegia. We confirmed that the sensor module works well with storage module and analysis module through some experiment. We also developed a database server for collecting data from any other sensor module and processing the data from each module separately. The proposed system will be expected monitoring health condition of the elderly.

© 2007 一般社団法人日本機械学会
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