Online ISSN : 2433-1325
セッションID: G1900-1-3
G1900-1-3 ラバールノズルの超音速域における伝熱が推力および比推力に与える影響(宇宙工学部門一般講演,社会変革を技術で廻す機械工学)
岩城 裕樹戸谷 剛脇田 督司永田 晴紀
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


The variation of the thrust and the specific impulse was revealed numerically with calculating the change of the exhaust velocity. Both cooling and heating the propellant flowing in the divergent section of Laval nozzle were treated. The expansion ratio were 30, 600, and 2000. The specific heat ratio was 1.3. Two types of heat profile were considered; pulsed heat transfer (PHT) and distributed heat transfer (DHT). The relations of Rayleigh flow and isentropic change were used for PHT. The exhaust velocity is higher than the isentropic value in the case that the heat is provided near the throat. In other cases, the exhaust veolocity is less than the isentropic case. The equivalent point of heat transfer is introduced for DHT. Results of DHT is coincident with PHT by using this equivalent point. This results indicates that the effect with DHT can be predicted from PHT.

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