Online ISSN : 2424-2845
セッションID: GS0402

*内山 祐哉大木 順司陳 献将 飛西田 周泰櫻本 逸男
キーワード: Bone Screw, Vertebra, FEM, DIC Method
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


In this study, the deformation behaviors and stress distributions in a vertbra with bone screw were calculated by FEM, whrere the vertebral model was constracted from μCT image with a 3D modeler software considering the bone density and the vertical loading to the screw axis was applied to the top of the screw. Then the loading test were performed experimentally for a vertebra with bone screw to confirm the validty of FE simulation. In the first approach in the loading tests, the rotation of vertebra was confirmed through the digital image coliration (DIC) method, then the fixation of the vertebra was modfied. The loading value was extrimly higher in FE analysis than in the experiment. In FE analysis, the stress around screw tip was slightly smaller in the model with the pilot hole than without it because of the decrease in the the contact area between the screw and the bone.

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