Online ISSN : 2424-3000
219 クモ型ロボットの 8 脚歩行運動制御
大西 武夫朝倉 俊行
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 236-239


This paper is concerned with realizing universal walking on regular ground by robot as a spider. First, walking of a spider was observed and then, its pattern was examined. Secondly, the walking motion of a spider robot with 8-legs was implemented experimentally, and then it walked on the floor actually. It was confirmed that it could walk to the advance, the revolution and so on. Also, the usefulness of 8-legged walking was shown through evaluation of stability margin. Finally, as the first step to a walk of a creatural spider, the simulation of the velocity control for walking which was adaptive for the environment was tested for fatigue, fear and so on by using the neural network.

© 2003 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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