Online ISSN : 2424-3000
セッションID: B107
B107 柔軟構造を持つ惑星探査ローバの沈下と振動の同時抑制方法の提案(OS13 月・惑星探査ロボットの運動と制御2)
大槻 真嗣石上 玄也成田 伸一郎若林 幸子
会議録・要旨集 フリー


This paper presents the synthesis procedure of an input profile for a motion control system to simultaneously reduce sinkage and vibration in a planetary rover. The sinkage of the rover changes depending on the degree of a contact force against loose soils in surface of a planet. Through the experiments using the lunar regolith simulant, it is confirmed that the sinkage is largely concerned with acceleration and deceleration in a driving mechanism. Hence, we proposes the method to suppress the sinkage by appropriately designing the acceleration profile with an asymmetric shape. Moreover, the vibration due to flexibility of the wheel is induced by self-motion and we verify the vibration reduction using the command shaping method through the experiment. Consequently, this paper presents the easy design procedure of the acceleration profile and the valuable experimental results.

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