Online ISSN : 2424-3000
セッションID: B106
B106 月・惑星探査ローバの沈下量推定に有効な車輪の提案(OS13 月・惑星探査ロボットの運動と制御2)
笹木 竜也飯塚 浩二郎山野 光裕
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Unmanned mobile robots for surface exploration of the moon have been extensively studied and developed. A lunar rover is expected to travel safely in wide area and explore in detail. This paper focuses on the rover mobility on such sandy terrain as lunar surface. This paper deals with dynamic sinkage of lunar rovers. Because of parameter of lunar surface is nonconstant, it is difficult to estimate dynamic sinkage by calculating. We need to get contacting angle between wheel and loose soil on line. Therefore, we develop a sensing wheel with tactile sensors that enable a getting contact angle and estimating dynamic sinkage. In this paper, we introduce the system of a sensing wheel and describe the conclusion using experimental results.

© 2011 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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